Do you take the steps to success and then drop the ball at the last minute? Or maybe you only give 50% of your energy to something you could be successful at but because it's too good to be true, you don't give it your all?
Now, why would we do that? Why would be hinder self growth, progression, more of what we are going after? It doesn't make any sense! However, sometimes we are resistant to change, hard work, or evolving into a new "me" if the changes are major.
Often times we rebut and show a resistance to the good that is coming into our world because of these new adaptations. This is self sabotage.
Self sabotaging behaviors, when deeply rooted, are driven by an inadequacy and the primary thought it "I don't deserve this." The most common self-sabotaging behaviors include procrastination, self-medication with drugs or alcohol, comfort eating, and forms of self-injury such as cutting.

What's great is that it's completely possible to defeat these habits and with some perseverance, you can overcome them! Behavioral therapy, motivational therapy and even simple habit changes can reverse these tendencies.
How do you know if you are self sabotaging? You can answer this simple question "Are my behaviors aligned with my long term goals?" If the answer is NO - it could be that you are engaging in self defeating actions. Clearly, if your answer is YES then you are on the right path and success will be attained at the completion of the goal.
Try taking this "quiz" and see if you are self sabotaging.
So, believe it or not, perfectionism, procrastination, ignorance and the dynamics of relationships, finances, time, change and work all can be common way to self sabotage. I had a student that typed a paper for me, was about to hand it in and decided to rip it up and throw it out on the day it was due. She explained to me when she glanced at it, she missed a period at the end of a quote and she needed to fix it for the late grade, as opposed to turning it in with the mistake. This would be a classic example of self sabotage with the perfectionist personality.
Identifying the triggers that lead you to the behaviors is crucial to preventing the lasting actions self sabotage could lead to. Most of the time, stress is a reasonable trigger. To some, food can be a trigger, conflict, social outings, defeat, criticisms, deadlines and more could be triggers. You really need to identify the self sabotaging actions and then introspectively look into what you were feeling before you took the self defeating actions. That would link the trigger to the action. Then, you can be sure to reduce the frequency or severity of that trigger!
Part of handling the obstacles in our way is learning to be the observer. As you learn to be the observer, you then can identify those triggers and emotions that lead to the self sabotaging efforts. Otherwise, these would be negative habits that will circle back and through day in and day out.
How do you become an observer? You sit in stillness, alone, preferably in quiet, and after several days you can notice the shifts. I am offering a meditation course for 6 weeks that will 100% send you into being the observer, but the other benefits will be being more in tune with yourself, your spirit, purposeful responses, lowered respiration rates, lowered heart rate, lower blood pressure, more thought provoking conversations, less reactive responses, and even more! If you are interested, comment below and sign up at